Friday, October 31, 2008

11 second club animation

Ughhhhh having trouble capturing with the lunch box... multiple attempts failed! Gonna go home and use my crappy scanner after all.


EDIT: So I've found that the lunch box is pretty much a hit or miss thing when capturing onto a computer. :( It's awesome for previewing, but unless you can afford to sit there for an hour or so repeatedly hitting buttons, you may as well just scan everything and compile it manually. So that's what I did, boohoo:

Quicktime Link

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Monday, October 6, 2008


Also, sketches:

Each time I look over my life drawings I feel feel a bit disappointed. :\ I really need to do more life drawing! I know I haven't stacked up nearly enough life drawing hours! I think I'll start attending Ka-Ning's sessions during my breaks soon...

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11 second club

My favorite 11 second club Sept. entries:

I love how the male's left eyebrow is always quirked up, and the little exhale he does as he looks at his cup.

My favorite IDEA from the Sept. entries has to be this one, though:

But the synching absolutely kills me! I would have loved to seen this finished and polished up.


Aaaaas for my own preparations for the October theme, I have this to show:

It actually took me forever to do because I kept throwing out ideas. :( I think I tend to over-think things, and I start to really gum up my own process, so... I only have about a frame or two of the keys on animation paper down right now, but I will get this done, damnit! >:O I just have to... turn of my brain--or something--to speed up the process...

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